高行健資料中心 Gao Xingjian Center

【展演訊息】高行健捐贈手稿文獻展 Gao Xingjian’s Donated Manuscripts and Collections Exhibition 11/9-12/22



時間:2022.11.9 (三) ~12.22 (日) (配合圖書館開閉館時間)
開幕式:2022.11.9 (三) 上午10點


時間:2022.11.9 (三)~11.25 (五)


    National Taiwan Normal University established the Gao Xingjian Center in 2021 to collect precious materials from Gao Xingjian, the 2000 Nobel Laureate in Literature and our chair professor. To highlight the university’s academic connection with Professor Gao and promote research on Gao Xingjian’s work, the school will hold the "Gao Xingjian’s Donated Manuscripts and Collections Exhibition. "

     This exhibition feathers Gao's manuscripts, paintings, writings, plays, and directing films, deeply demonstrating his all-round artistic achievements as a writer, painter, playwright, and director.

Duration: 2022.11.9 (Wed) ~ 12.18 (Sun) (opening hours of the library)
Venue: The hall on the first floor of the library
Opening Ceremony: 2022.11.9 (Wed) 10:00 am 

Simultaneously exhibited:

The Performance of Gao Xingjian Research Subsidy Applications
Duration: 2022.11.9 (Wed) ~ 11.25 (Fri)
Venue: Multi-purpose room on the first floor of the library

附加檔案: poster_gao exhibition 2022.jpg