- 義大利羅馬大學數學研究所Research Fellow獲Italian National Research Council Fellowship(1970, Dec-1971)
- 國立政治大學應用數學系主任(1972-1977)
- 德國鴻博基金會研究學者獎(1973)
- 德國鴻博基金會之研究學者獎(1974)
- 大同公司科技書最佳譯著獎(1975)
- 國科會研究(進修)獎助一年(1977-1978)
- UNLV Distinguished Teaching Award of the College of Sciences(1989)
- UNLV 數學系主任(1990-1997)
- 中國浙江省科技二等獎(1991-1992)
- UNLV Barrick Distinguished Scholar Award(1996)
- UNLV Distinguished Research Award of the College of Sciences(2000)
- Alfred Kalfus Founder’s Award, American Regions Mathematics League(2006)
- Congressional recognition from US Congressman J.C.Porter and the joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas as a Distinguished Scholar(2008)
- Grants from National Science Foundation,National Security Agency,and Cray Supercomputer Company及國科會發表104篇論文及編著十餘本中英文書籍