

◆ 本館每時段容留數為10人(含)以下,僅開放本校教職員工生線上預約參觀。
◆ 本館接受多人一單預約參觀,請預約負責人於表單最後填寫其餘同行參觀人資料。

◆ 梁實秋故居於110年10月13日重新開館。
◆ 開放時間:每週二至週五 11:30 至 17:00 (週六至週一不開放參觀)
◆ 可預約日期:110年10月13日至 110年10月22日,後續之參觀規定將視疫情調整。


◆ 入館前須配合防疫規定,參觀者需在入口處完成實名制登記,


◆ 本館實際開放時間,以【梁實秋故居官網】或【師大梁實秋故居FB粉專】最新公告為主。



▋ Reserve to visit The Liang Shih-Chiu House ▌

|Regulations on Control of Number of Persons Accommodated |
◆ Only open for teachers, students, and staff of NTNU /10 people every period.
◆ You can reserve for your companion at the item of "Companion."

|Open time|
◆ The Liang Shih-Chiu House reopens in 2021, Oct. 13.
◆ Open from Tuesday to Friday, 11:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
◆ Reservation date:2021/10/13 - 2021/10/22

|Epidemic prevention rules|
◆ Please take your temperature and have a hands sanitizer before entering the house, and wearing a mask in the period of visiting.
◆ Please conduct name registration before enter the house.

|Information of the house|
◆ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/LiangShihChiuHouse.NTNU


|Addresses|No. 11, Yunhe Street, Da'an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan
(MRT green line/Taipower Building station - Exit 3)


◆線上預約表單 Reserve to visit The Liang Shih-Chiu House:


↑↑請以師大gmail帳號登入填寫 sign in by ntnu "G Suite for NTNU"





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