CH 瑞士飯店管理大學/Hotel and Tourism Management Institute Switzerland 全校/All M 2010/03/29
CH 瑞士飯店管理大學/Hotel and Tourism Management Institute Switzerland 全校/All D 2010/03/29
CH 瑞士西北應用科學與藝術大學/University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland 藝術與設計學院/Academy of Art and Design M 2016/10/22
CH 瑞士西北應用科學與藝術大學/University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland 藝術與設計學院/Academy of Art and Design S 2016/10/22
CH 蘇黎世大學/University of Zurich 漢學系/Department of Chinese Studies M 2021/09/01