HK 香港中文大學/Chinese University of Hong Kong 教育學院/Faculty of Education M 2019/07/29
HK 香港大學/The University of Hong Kong 教育學院/Faculty of Education M 2022/09/06
HK 香港大學/The University of Hong Kong 教育學院/Faculty of Education S 2015/09/01
JP 千葉大學/Chiba University 教育學部/大學院教育學研究科/Faculty of Education, Graduate School of Education M 2019/03/13
JP 九州大學/Kyushu University 人間環境學研究院、教育學院/Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies / School of Education S 2022/12/23
JP 九州大學/Kyushu University 人間環境學研究院、教育學院/Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies / School of Education M 2017/09/30
JP 名古屋大學/Nagoya University 大學院教育發展科學研究科、教育學部/Graduate School of Education and Human Development / School of Education M 2005/11/21
JP 名古屋大學/Nagoya University 大學院教育發展科學研究科、教育學部/Graduate School of Education and Human Development / School of Education S 2005/11/21
JP 東北大學/Tohoku University 大學院教育學研究科/Graduate School of Education M 2021/03/04
JP 東北大學/Tohoku University 大學院教育學研究科/Graduate School of Education S 2021/03/04
JP 筑波大學/University of Tsukuba 障害科學系/專攻、教育學系/基礎科學/專攻、學校教育學專攻、心理學系/專攻、生涯發達/科學專攻、人間學群/Disability Sciences/Education/Education Sciences/School Education/Psychology/Lifespan Developmental Sciences/Lifespan Development/Human Sciences M 2011/08/11
JP 筑波大學/University of Tsukuba 障害科學系/專攻、教育學系/基礎科學/專攻、學校教育學專攻、心理學系/專攻、生涯發達/科學專攻、人間學群/Disability Sciences/Education/Education Sciences/School Education/Psychology/Lifespan Developmental Sciences/Lifespan Development/Human Sciences S 2011/08/11
US 賓州州立大學/Pennsylvania State University 教育學院/College of Education S 2013/02/20
US 加州大學洛杉磯校區/University of California, Los Angeles 教育與資訊研究院/Graduate School of Education and Information Studies M 2015/01/12
US 愛俄華大學/University of Iowa 教育學院/College of Education O 1985/01/05
US 范德堡大學/Vanderbilt University 教育暨人類發展學院/Peabody College of Education and Human Development M 2012/08/26